Legend of People’s Different Colors: A presentation
Script Writer: Joshua
Ichiro Añasco
Narrators: Jaimee Alleyah Nacionales
Fritzel Joyce Nonescan
Flowers: 1.
Jhen Emilou Lara Calcaben
2. Janelle Kristiney Nugpo
White Woman: Carol Grace Sorial
Brown Man: Kian Angelo Lorella
Black Man: Kyle Justine Elacion
Kabunian: Joshua Ichiro Añasco
Jaimee: Good morning, Sir. Good morning, classmates. Our
group will present the legend why people are of different colors.
Fritzel: A long time ago, other than the flowers, the god of
the Earth named Kabunian is all alone. He said to the flowers…
Kabunian: Good morning flowers! It is boring when I am the only
one who is moving around Earth. Who will take care of this planet? Hmmm… I have an idea… I will make a man!
Jaimee: Kabunian got some clay and molded it to create a man!
It was night time when he finished molding. He then breathed into the molded
clay and it became man! The color of the man is the same as the color of the
time of the day when it was done.
Man: Hello Kabunian! I am Black man.
Kabunian: Good evening Black Man! Wow! I made it! Yes, you are
so black. Hmmm… let me experiment.
Flowers: Wow… a black man!
Fritzel: At sunrise, Kabunian got another clay, molded,
breathed into it and it turned out to be a woman.
woman: Good morning Kabunian! I am
White woman.
Kabunian: Good morning White woman! Yes you are so white. Hmm…
one more experiment.
Flowers: Wow… a white woman.
Jaimee: At noon, he got another clay and it turned out into another man.
man: Good noon Kabunian! I am Brown
Kabunian: Good noon Brown man! Hmmm… I think, I like your color
Flowers: Wow… a brown man! Yahooo!!!
Jaimee: Until now, Kabunian is molding clay at different
times of the day to create black, white and brown people.
All: Thank you for your attention everyone! Until next
Labels: School presentation
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