The Little Red Hen
1. Little Red Hen - Kate 6. Narrator 2 - Aiko
2. Lazy
Dog - Lorenzo 7. Narrator 3 - Rys
3. Sleepy
Cat - Nicole 8.
Narrator 4 – Marian
4. Noisy Mouse - Novea 9. Narrator 5 - Sage
5. Narrator 1 – Myrtle
Hello Ma’am. Hello classmates. Our
group will dramatize a story entitled “The Little Red Hen”. So everybody, just
sit, enjoy and relax.
Aiko: Early one
morning, little red hen took a short walk. She saw some kernel in the ground
and said:
Kate: Who will
help me plant these seeds?
Lorenzo: Not I.
Rys: Says the
Lazy dog.
Nicole: Not I .
Marian: Says
the sleepy cat.
Novea: Not I.
Sage: Says the
noisy mouse.
Kate: Then I
will do it all by myself.
Myrtle: Said the
little red hen.
Aiko: After 3 months,
the perfect time came for the corn to be harvested.
Kate: Who will
help me to harvest the corn?
Lorenzo: Not
Rys: Says the
Lazy Dog.
Nicole: Not I.
Marian: Says
the Sleepy Cat.
Novea: Not I.
Sage: Says the
noisy mouse.
Kate: Then I
will do it all by myself.
Myrtle: Said
the little red hen.
Kate: Who will
help me bake a cake?
Lorenzo: Not
Aiko : Said
the Lazy dog.
Nicole: Not I.
Rys: Says the
Sleepy Cat.
Novea: Not I.
Marian: Said
the noisy mouse.
Sage: When the
cake was cooked.
Kate: Who will
help me eat the bread?
Lorenzo, Nicole and Novea: Yes we will!
Kate: No, you
will not. Because nobody helped me, I should treat myself only!
Sage: The end.
Myrtle: Moral
of the story…
Aiko: Be
helpful and be useful so that others will be kind to you.
Labels: School presentation
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