The Pilapil Family

Monday, March 20, 2017

Acceptance Speech of Ichi as Supreme Pupil Government President

Maám Jacinta Nonato, teachers, parents and fellow pupils, good morning! 

Mga kabutho (3 times or until everybody pay attention), SALAMAT gid sining oportunidad nga ginhatag ninyo sa akon.  

I accept this key of responsibility to lead our Supreme Pupil Government for the School Year 2017-2018! I will uphold the standard set by our SPG Officers this year. I will continue to implement projects which will maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of MCES whole year round. I will propose a Clean & Green Contest by Section to be awarded with a Cash Prize and a Certificate of Award every month. I will propose a project which is Sinsilyo para sa MCES-SPG wherein we will collect coins which seem to have no more value to us. Example, makakita kita sa aton balay singko o dyes ukon bayntesingko centavos nga wala ta man ginasapak. Tiliponon ta ini pinaagi sa mga Homeroom Presidents naton. Ang section nga may pinakadamo nga matipon tagaan ta man sang Certificate of Award. Gamiton naton ang mga matipon para sa Cash Prizes sa Clean & Green Contest kag sa iban pa nga activities sang SPG. This way, we will maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of MCES while, unconsciously, we are developing a culture of making our surroundings clean, being helpful, and above all, being a team worker. Indirectly, we are also helping our country, particularly the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, in retrieving the coins which we just take for granted but are very expensive to produce. These are just some of the SPG proposed projects under my leadership. And, of course, we will implement these in coordination with our SPG Advisers and our dear School Principal. 

Gani mga kabutho (3 times or until everybody pay attention), supportahan nyo gid ako kag ang bilog nga MCES Supreme Pupil Government, ha? Let us make MCES be at its BEST always. 

Sa liwat, madamu gid nga salamat! God bless us all!

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Wednesday, March 08, 2017

Speech of Aiko as Supreme Pupil Government Secretary Candidate

To our dear principal, Maám Jacinta Nonato; teachers; parents; and schoolmates, good morning!

I am JULIA AIKO AÑASCO, a Grade IV SSC pupil. I am running for SECRETARY under the banner of Young Pupils Progressive Party.  I hope to be the SPG Secretary next school year because I wanted to actively contribute to the neatness and orderliness of our school. I am ready to keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings in every SPG meeting. I am ready to keep a file of all the pertinent documentations and papers of the SPG and make them accessible to you, my fellow pupils. I am ready to provide immediate documentations and reports for every implemented project of SPG. I am ready to perform other duties to be assigned to me as your Secretary. These, of course, I will do in coordination with our President and our SPG Advisers.

So schoolmates, help me so that I can do all these. During our election day, Vote wisely… Vote  JULIA AIKO AÑASCO for SECRETARY! Vote straight YPP Party because we are (point to printing in your t-shirt)
With these qualities, we are LEADERS. 
And, we are Young Pupils Progressive Party! Thank you and have a great day everyone!

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Supreme Pupil Government: Speech of Ichi as President Candidate

Maám Jacinta Nonato, Teachers, Parents and Schoolmates, Good morning! 

Mga kabutho (3 times or until everybody paid attention), gusto nyo sang Supreme Pupil Government (SPG) President nga GWAPO? (Wait for “YES”) 

Okay… kay gusto nyo sang Presidente nga GWAPO kag ako lang man isa ang lalaki nga nagapadalagan sang Presidente, botohon nyo gid ko ha? OK? (wait for OK or laughter to stop). Remember schoolmates… “liars go to hell!” Gani botoha nyo gid ako! 

Seriously, I am JOSHUA ICHIRO AÑASCO. I am a Grade V-SSC pupil and I am running for President under the banner of Young Pupils Progressive Party. I have been training to be a SMIPE kid as a Taekwondo jin. SMIPE is an acronym where S stands for SELF-CONFIDENCE; M for MODESTY or being humble and simple; I stands for INDOMITABLE SPIRIT or for being strong to face any difficult situation; P stands for PERSEVERANCE or with a “never surrender” attitude; and E for ETIQUETTE or to behave properly at all times.  I have been training Taekwondo for six years now and I have imbibed this qualities somehow. At the same time, I have been managing my time well in order to maintain an excellent academic performance while being active in extra-curricular activities. I believe that this qualities are needed to be a great SPG leader. These qualities are necessary to work hand in hand with our school principal and teachers, and with you, my fellow MCES pupils, to make Miagao Central Elementary School be at its best always. 
Gani mga kabutho, sa aton election rum-an, remember this GWAPO (with action). Vote wisely… 
Vote JOSHUA ICHIRO AÑASCO for President! 
Vote straight YPP Party!  
Madamu gid nga salamat! 
God bless us all!

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